1. 召開法人說明會之日期:113/11/28
2. 召開法人說明會之時間:14 時 00 分
3. 召開法人說明會之地點:台北市重慶南路1段2號19樓
4. 法人說明會擇要訊息:本公司受邀參加永豐金證券於113年11月28日舉辦之法人說明會
5. 其他應敘明事項:無
6. 完整財務業務資訊請至公開資訊觀測站之法人說明會一覽表或法說會項目下查閱。
Announcing SinoPac Securities Invitation for Corporate Earnings Call
Date of events:2024/11/28
1. Date of institutional investor conference: 2024/11/28
2. Time of institutional investor conference: 14:00
3. Location of institutional investor conference:19F, No. 2, Sec. 1, Chongqing S. Rd., Taipei City
4. Outline of institutional investor conference: The Company accepted earnings call invitation from SinoPac Securities to elaborate company operation and prospects
5. Any other matters that need to be specified: NA